Community Art Showcase #85

Community Art Showcase #85

Welcome to the 85th Brawlhalla Community Art Showcase! We’ve got some fantastic art that ya’ll in the community have made that we want to show off! As always, thank you for continuing to create amazing community art and for sharing it online! WDB4M1-J1T_60

Featured thumbnail art by Butterscotch –


Love the story telling in this image!

Where I come from it’s Yee Haw. (alternate caption: Giddy up partner!)

He’s just too cool to care.

Wooooow you can see the fog from her breathing!

That’s awesome. Cartaphobia did a great job with the glasses.

Oh dang, a second Kaya fan art? Really cool action shot here.

Absolutely adorable, Milz always has cute art.

This is really cool. I’m a big fan of the use of foreground elements.

Oh wow, she looks like she’s in a lot of pain. Really good emotion in the face.

Haha this is just too dang cute.

Is Fait tsundere?

Oh cool. I think this is based on the Orion splash art? Really well done.


Nice! The textures in this are on point.

It’s the band! Pixel art is something special.

There’s a lot of really cool things going on. The crazy textures, the pained facial expression, just wow.


And it’s animated?!? Super cool and mildly serene.


Rukia did a great job with this art of Nai.










Thanks for checking out the 85th Community Art Showcase. If you find something you like and want to share it with us, use the #BrawlhallaArt or tag us @Brawlhalla. If you’re looking for the CC’s then you’ll have to look throughout the post and figure out the missing character through trial and error. 37J_GH-WCMSW0

Legend splash