Community Roundup #10

Community Roundup #10

Hey everyone! We had a week off from the roundup last week while I was at Combo Breaker in Chicago, however, the Community never lets anything slow them down, and we have a ton of great things to share! So here we go!

Zeloxory wins Combo Breaker 2016!

Combo Breaker, a large Fighting Game Community tournament, took place this past weekend in Chicago IL, from May 27-29. Brawlhalla had the third highest number of signups at the tournament with almost 200 entrants fighting it out over a $1000 pot bonus. Players from the online community traveled from all over the U.S. to the event, while the EU had a single player who took the trip across the ocean to represent an entire region of Brawlhalla players. That guy from the EU, just so happened to take the whole thing. Zeloxory, a longtime player who picked up Brawlhalla around this time last year, traveled all the way from England to Chicago, played Ember, and never lost a set. If you missed the amazing Top 8 at Combo Breaker you can check it out at this Twitch past broadcast from VGBootCamp at 1:51:00.



Community Art


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Kor Wrecking LLC by Clunse


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Hammer Bow Legend Concept by Eriveg
Lazthelazyartist Spear + Bow Legend Concept


Videos and GIFs


Check out this Grand Finals between Addymestic and Dobrein during the recent EU Gravy Cancel tournament.

Episode Five of Brawlhalla Weekly, Published on May 24th, went up. We’re expecting a great edition of this Podcast next Monday when Partofthecreed (who was at Combo Breaker and made it to Top 16) brings on special guest and Combo Breaker winner Zeloxory to the show. For now, don’t miss any episodes.

 Diana finds all the angles in this clip, using Kor’s own platform to assist in his demise.


Kor goes deep in this strikeout match, showing just how much pressure can be maintained if you’re willing to risk it all.


POLARIS shows off Kor’s capabilities for creative black holes in 2v2.


/u/Exodass32 shows off a very impressive 0 to death combo utilizing an early gravity cancel to keep the string going.


Kor Puns


You know, we try to keep things fairly professional around here. But um, we kind of instigated it all with this tweet:

Aaaand they started rolling in on Twitter.

And then of course, they made their way to reddit.

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(Fun fact: Kor Issues was submitted by our very own [BMG] Tyveris. Who reportedly, just couldn’t help himself.)

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Thanks everyone for checking out the tenth Community Roundup! If you’ve seen some great Brawlhalla things out there let us know! Send us a Tweet or let the community know on reddit

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