Community Roundup #11

Community Roundup #11

Hello and welcome to the eleventh Community Roundup! Kor has been out for a little over a week now and we’ve been enjoying the amazing things pouring in from the community. We’ve tried to lay off the puns this time around. We hope you enjoy this week’s edition of the roundup! 


Community Art

Style is something you are born with. Thanks Elyessi.

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Roland’s personality perfectly. Bonus points for the Monty Python nod.


Balloon Kor! Because of KOuRse.

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Love the alt style!

G: Brawlhalla – by LaTameh


Crimefighter Koji. A Sentinelesque take.


Clunse’s Viking Vraxx. Thank you Clunse, as always.


Vraxx the Viking by Clunse


Desert Maurader Lucien. Cool.

Desert Marauder Lucien


Gravy Cancel’s new stream background. Nice.

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Videos and GIFs

Brawlhalla Weekly is back with Episode 6, this time featuring recent Combo Breaker tournament winner Zeloxory!


Dobrein’s 3rd installment of “Every Combo and String you need to know”, featuring Gauntlets!




Brawlhalla player “Lanz” expertly avoids an edgeguard!


“Proper use of mine removal” – /u/i_inspect_rum


The Lads show us a nice Gauntlet string loop.


Clever mine setup by /u/snfeset.


/u/Die-Nacht shows us that throwing a bomb downward is risky but pays off.


Skillful kill on ember from /u/altarec.


/u/Blaquex scores a super early kill in this ranked 2v2 match.



Thanks everyone for checking out the eleventh Community Roundup! If you’ve seen some great Brawlhalla things out there let us know! Send us a Tweet or let the community know on reddit

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